Architecture and history

Muuksi stronghold hill

Muuksi stronghold hill was established on a naturally suitable small cape. At the location of the stronghold, the western side is up to 10 metres higher than the surrounding ground.  Its main task was most…

St Nicholas’ Lutheran Chapel in Saha

Saha Chapel used to be one of the oldest ecclesiastical centres built on the site of an ancient sacred place of Estonians. According to a folk story it is even 50 years older than the…

St. Lawrence’s Stone in Kuusalu

In Kuusalu, just by Peterburi Road, lies a huge stone – St. Lawrence’s Stone, or the Path Stone. It is an ancient cult stone but most likely also marked the border between Kuusalu Church and…

Suurupi upper lighthouse

People have been lighting bonfires on the highest limestone shore in Suurupi for centuries. In 1760, a massive limestone lighthouse was built here to warn captains about rocks in the water and direct the ships…

Kolga Manor

Here, in the grand Kolga manor, you will experience an atmosphere of mystery and of times past. In 1230, the estate belonged to the Cistercian Order. In 1581, King John III of Sweden gave Kolga and…

Keila-Joa Manor and Schloss Fall Museum

This manor complex was built in 1833 in the neo-gothic style according to the designs of Hans von Stackenschneider, who would go on to become one of the key minds of the historicist style in…

Hundikangrud (ancient burial grounds)

The stone-cist barrows are located south-east of Muuksi Village, on the northern shore of Lake Kahala. The 85 stone-cist barrows forming the group of Hundikangrud are located on a high limestone region covered with thin…

Viru Gate

The barbican of Viru Gate was part of the defence system of the Tallinn city wall built in the 14th century. A couple of centuries later, it already had 8 gates that consisted of several…

Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of the Mother of God with Three Hands in Tallinn

This medieval building next to the walls of the Old Town of Tallinn has only ever served a secular purpose during its history, and the Ukrainian congregation has turned it into a sanctuary which is both…

Church of Saint Nicholas in Tallinn

The first Classicist church building with twin towers in Tallinn was designed by Luigi Rusca, an architect from St. Petersburg, and constructed in the period of 1820–1827. The church’s valuable iconostas is almost as famous…

Medieval dwellings of Tallinn

Nearly two- thirds of Tallinn’s medieval dwellings have been more or less reconstructed. Better well-remained examples are House of Tourism (Raekoja plats 18), Tallinn City Theatre (Lai 23), dwellings addressed on Vana Turg 6, Kuninga…

St. John’s Church

This three-nave church in neo-Gothic style at the heart of the city on Freedom Square was completed in 1867. The stylish design of the altar and the painting Christ on the Cross (Karl Gottlieb Wenig, colourful stained-glass…