
Museums of the Prangli Islands

The museums showcase the history, nature and way of life of Suur-Prangli and Väike-Prangli (Aksi). Museum of Farm Folk of Prangli Islands has a permanent exhibition on the everyday lives of the coastal folk of…

Roogoja Farm demonstration garden

Bredding is what Roogoja Farm is all about, and our garden has become a very popular place to visit in recent years among gardening enthusiasts from Estonia and abroad. The garden includes some truly fine…

Lake Valgejärv hiking trail

Lake Valgejärv hiking trail showcases the natural sights and nature conservation area around the lake of the same name in the western part of Nissi municipality in Harju County. Information stands and boards show how…

Monument to the Estonian translation of the Bible

“250 years have passed since the Bible was first translated into Estonian. This was accomplished by Anton Thor Helle who was a pastor at the Jüri church between 1713-1748. Remembering in gratitude the Bible and…

Keila-Joa Hydroelectric Power Plant

The earliest mentions of a water mill at Keila-Joa date back to 1555. In 1928, Keila-Joa hydroelectric power plant began producing electricity; at the same time, there was also a fish farm here, and an old grain…

St. Mary’s Church on Naissaare

Naissaare church, standing on an island 12 km from Tallinn, was constructed in 1934 to the designs of architect Karl Tarvas. It was consecrated in 1938. It has a very simple but masterful architectural design…

Linnamäe hydro-electric power station

St. Charles’ Church in Tuhala

This church, commissioned by the lord of the local manor, Karl von Mellin, was constructed between 1775 and 1777. The saint’s name chosen for it was selected in his honour. It was consecrated on 3…

Kurtna Motorcycle Museum

This museum has one of the largest and most valuable collections in the Baltic region with more than 200 motorcycles, over 100 of which, in various states of repair, are on display. The museum includes world-renowned…

Organic Spa Harmoonikum, Beer Spa

The first organic spa in Estonia in Viimsi Manor now also has the first beer spa in Estonia! In our private beer spa, you can enjoy a wood-burning sauna and nourish your health, as well…

Seminar rooms at LaitseRallyPark

LaitseRallyPark offers opportunities for organising seminars, training courses, and meetings in a more exciting environment. Based on the clients’ wishes, we also offer coffee breaks and lunches during seminars, followed by entertainment on a rally…

Rätsepa Tourism Farm

Rätsepa holiday house is located by an artificial pond and provides wonderful possibilities for relaxing, for organizing summer and winter days, corporate parties, weddings and birthdays. Naturally it is also possible to rent rooms and…