Hara Island is where the beautiful nature of Lahemaa, history and the perseverance of our ancestors meet. This is a former military case, now known as the Hara submarine base. With the help of underwater engineering…
Muuksi stronghold hill was established on a naturally suitable small cape. At the location of the stronghold, the western side is up to 10 metres higher than the surrounding ground. Its main task was most…
Three thousand years ago, the inhabitants of Jõelähtme of the time built above-ground tomb monuments for their departed loved ones; in the middle of it, they built a stone coffin for the deceased (uncremated). During…
In Kuusalu, just by Peterburi Road, lies a huge stone – St. Lawrence’s Stone, or the Path Stone. It is an ancient cult stone but most likely also marked the border between Kuusalu Church and…
The stone-cist barrows are located south-east of Muuksi Village, on the northern shore of Lake Kahala. The 85 stone-cist barrows forming the group of Hundikangrud are located on a high limestone region covered with thin…