
RMK Majakivi–Pikanõmme study trail

The 7 km trail is located at the western edge of Lahemaa National Park, in the middle of Juminda Peninsula and starts in the car park just by the Hara–Juminda Road, running on the eastern…

RMK Järvi–Aegviidu hiking trail

2.5 km of the trail is covered with a boardwalk, partially overlapping with Paukjärve and Jussi nature trails. The trail includes a number of camping sites and areas for barbecues, making it perfect for two-…

St. Nicholas’ Church in Paldiski

St. Nicholas’ Church in Paldiski was built in 1842. This Classicist church, in which the Soviet Army reigned for half a century, has also been used as a culture centre and later, as a warehouse….

St. Jacob’s Church in Viimsi

Built in 2007, this is the first and so far only Lutheran church built in Estonia since World War Two. It was designed by architects Martin Aunin and Erkki Ristoja. Situated on the waterfront, the…

Church of Blessed Virgin Mary in Nissi

The Church of Blessed Virgin Mary in Nissi was built in 1873. It is a historicist church with a 52.5-metre-high tower. Its magnificent stained-glass windows St. John the Evangelist and St. Peter the Apostle were…

Pickwa St. Michael Chapel

The chapel of Tallinn Diaconal Hospital, designed in 1891, was a little building in the yard of a large complex of the Tallinn Magdaleena Hospital.  Pickwa St. Michael Chapel was moved to Pikva because it was…

St. Nicholas Church in Kose

This Medieval fortified church was possibly built soon after the city of Tallinn was established around the 1230’s. The pulpit (Tobias Heintze), its Baroque iconostasis (1774), a painting titled “The Entombment of Jesus” (Otto Zoege…

St. George’s Church in Jüri

A pseudi-Gothic church (architect Friedrich Axel von Howen) built on a mediaeval foundation. The interior reflects the colours of the Estonian flag. A very old church bell is the oldest of Harju county. A wheel…

St. Matthias’ Church in Harju-Madise

The high belltower of St. Matthias’ Church in Harju-Madise, which was built in the 15th–18th centuries, doubles as a lighthouse for Pakri Bay. According to a legend, the church was built by a Captain Matthias…

St. Michael’s (Miikaeli) Church in Keila

The construction of the biggest mediaeval country church in Harju County probably started immediately after Northern Estonia had been subjected to the king of Denmark. There is no data about the first years of the…

St. Lawrence Church in Kuusalu

Kuusalu Church, dedicated to protodeacon martyr St. Lawrence, is considered to be one of the oldest stone churches in Northern Estonia. It was most likely the Gotlandish Cistercian monks who started building a house of…

Kiiu Vassal Stronghold, or the Kiiu Tower

The medieval Kiiu Tower was probably completed in the beginning of the 16th century, and it is located in Kiiu manor park. This former residential tower is the smallest surviving medieval defensive structure in the…