
Maardu Manor

Maardu Manor was first mentioned in written records in 1397. The Manor ensemble, located on a small ridge, is one of the most impressive ones among the old complexes. The manor house has hosted the…

Muuksi stronghold hill

Muuksi stronghold hill was established on a naturally suitable small cape. At the location of the stronghold, the western side is up to 10 metres higher than the surrounding ground.  Its main task was most…

Padise Monastery

After the recently completed restoration, Padise Monastery is open to visitors again! The monastery was built by the Cistercians in the 14th century over a period of 200 years. Today,  its 14th-century church bell (the oldest in…

Saku Brewhouse and Museum of Beer

Since 1820, when the then owner of Saku manor, count Karl Friedrich von Rehbinder, established a brewery on his estate, Saku’s brewers have been brewing excellent Estonian beer using local groundwater and the best hops, malt…

Jõelähtme stone barrows

Three thousand years ago, the inhabitants of Jõelähtme of the time built above-ground tomb monuments for their departed loved ones; in the middle of it, they built a stone coffin for the deceased (uncremated). During…

Museum of Coastal Folk

St. Lawrence’s Stone in Kuusalu

In Kuusalu, just by Peterburi Road, lies a huge stone – St. Lawrence’s Stone, or the Path Stone. It is an ancient cult stone but most likely also marked the border between Kuusalu Church and…

Tülivere sacred oak

The Tülivere sacred oak, a protected tree, is a sacred old tree which received food offerings in order to ensure bountiful crops and cattle as recently as the last century. Ancient Estonians considered the gap in…

Rebala Heritage Reserve Museum

Rebala Heritage Reserve locating in Jõelähtme Rural Municipality is an ancient cultural landscape of rich historical heritage – within a mere 74 square kilometres there are more than 300 archaeological remains originating from the Neolithic…

Suurupi upper lighthouse

People have been lighting bonfires on the highest limestone shore in Suurupi for centuries. In 1760, a massive limestone lighthouse was built here to warn captains about rocks in the water and direct the ships…

Saku Manor

Saue Manor

Close to Tallinn, only a few-minute drive away, stands the gorgeous Saue manor, dating from the 18th century; it has been called one of the most beautiful and valuable manor ensembles in the Baltic countries. The…