
Rebala keskus-muuseum

Rebala kaitseala asub ca 20 minuti autosõidu kaugusel Jõelähtme vallas ja on rikkaliku ajaloopärandiga iidne kultuurmaastik mõlemal pool Narva maanteed. Maantee kõrval asub Rebala keskus-muuseum koos kalmetega, kus leiab infot piirkonna, unikaalsete kivikalmete, pärandi võimaluste,…

Jägala Waterfall

Jägala Waterfall is a waterfall in the lower course of the Jägala River, approximately 4 km before the river flows into the Gulf of Finland. The waterfall is approximately 8 metres high and more than…

Hundikangrud (ancient burial grounds)

The stone-cist barrows are located south-east of Muuksi Village, on the northern shore of Lake Kahala. The 85 stone-cist barrows forming the group of Hundikangrud are located on a high limestone region covered with thin…

Keila waterfall

Keila waterfall is located on Keila River in Harju County, Keila rural municipality, Keila-Joa small town. A full 6 metres high, and tens of metres wide, Keila waterfall is the third largest waterfall in Estonia;…

Keila-Joa Manor and Schloss Fall Museum

This manor complex was built in 1833 in the neo-gothic style according to the designs of Hans von Stackenschneider, who would go on to become one of the key minds of the historicist style in…

Harku Manor

Harku Manor, which used to belong to the Livonian Order, was first mentioned in 1372. Its contemporary Neo-Renaissance style originates from 1875. The outbuildings worth seeing include a livestock complex with historicist gables and picturesque…

Kolga Manor

Here, in the grand Kolga manor, you will experience an atmosphere of mystery and of times past. In 1230, the estate belonged to the Cistercian Order. In 1581, King John III of Sweden gave Kolga and…

Church of Blessed Virgin Mary (Püha Neitsi Maarja) in Jõelähtme

Jõelähtme Church is one of the oldest churches in Estonia. The church was originally made of wood, and it was established during the period of the Danes’ conquest at the beginning of the 1220s. In written…

Museum of the Estonian Struggle for Liberty in Lagedi

In the Museum of the Estonian Struggle for Liberty, you can get an overview of 20th century war history. Of the land and sea battles fought for Estonia from the War of Independence until the Cold…

Cape Juminda camping site

The tip of Juminda Peninsula, i.e. Cape Juminda, located on the northern coast between the Gulf of Kolga and the Gulf of Hara, is an intriguing place, as the spit of the cape continues under…

Restaurant Lucca

The interior of the restaurant resembles an Italian trattoria with its romantic and cosy atmosphere. Our authentic Italian food selection includes various antipasti, fresh seafood, traditional meat dishes, handmade pastas and pizzas, and naturally, the…

Kallaste Tourist Farm & Holiday Resort

For 145 years, people have been coming here to enjoy each other’s company under the ancient pines. Adventure, wonderful nature and warm-hearted hosts – there’s always a million reasons to meet at Kallaste Tourist Farm:…