Military legends and history tour at Paldiski, Rummu and Pakri Islands

The most western area of Harju County extends up until the picturesque Pakri cliff and Pakri islands, including the former military town of Paldiski, the mysterious monastery of Padise and Padise manor house. One of the most visited and exciting places in this area is Rummu limestone quarry and its spoil tip.

When using the bicycle route, it is good to know that you can also take the train to Paldiski, using the local Elron train going westbound, final stop also in Paldiski. To reach Rummu or Padise, you can take the Riisipere train (station name “Vasalemma”). It’s also possible to start to take your bike along to Paldiski train and end up your biking in Vasalemma to take train back to Tallinn. Going by car from Tallinn to Paldiski is an hour-long journey (45 km). Driving back from Paldiski through Padise and Rummu takes an hour and a half (see the directions on the map). Rummu, Padise and Harju-Risti are accessible also by bus (from Baltijaam-Tallinn Central Railway Station).

Virtual tour map